DTV Kids

We believe that children are a gift from God.

Children in each age group experience safe, loving relationships with peers and teachers. We want them to learn that they are loved by an almighty God. As they grow we teach them how to pray, how they can share Jesus’s love with others and who God is. We serve ages nursery-5th grade.

DTV Kids offers three age-specific ministries with interactive, biblical teaching and activities for every stage. Our goal is to partner with parents to plant seeds of faith and ensure each child has a blast exploring God’s Word and experiencing His love each weekend.

Are you interested in serving on the DTV Kids Team?

For more information about the DTV Kids Team, contact

Nursery - 3's

Children in these classrooms experience safe, loving relationships with peers and teachers and learn that they are loved by an almighty God.

K - 2nd Grade

In this age group, kids learn how to pray, how they can share Jesus’ love with others, and who God is.

3rd - 5th Grade

In this class, we focus on building relaionships and learning who God is through everday people in the Bible.


Downtown Vineyard Church
402 Grand Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501


Sundays 9AM & 10:30AM

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

phone number


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