Student Life
Middle School & High School
Our purpose and goal is to connect middle & high school students to Jesus.
We create a fun and safe space for teens to feel valued and important. At Student Life we want to create intentional time and space for students to encounter Jesus and to pour into them the truth of how much God loves them and has a plan for them and have fun doing it!
Join us Wednesday nights at 6:30PM for Student Life and Sunday Morning during service for Student Life Sundays!
For more information about Student Life, contact
Are you interested in serving on the Student Life Team?
SAVE THE DATE: White Out | March 15 – 17
SAVE THE DATE! High School White Out is around the corner! March 15- 17th will be full of fun and spiritual growth. Join the Waitlist to receive an email notification when registration is open.
Downtown Vineyard Church
402 Grand Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Quick Links
Sundays 9AM & 10:30AM
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
phone number