Serve With US

God wants to use you to make a difference. At DTV Church we’re passionate about serving Jesus together. We look forward to serving with you!

Care Team

Do you enjoy helping people? Do you like to cook? Do you have the gift of hospitality? The Care Team is a great opportunity to serve others in a practical way. We need people who are willing to provide a meal or side dish, help set-up, clean-up, and/or serve at events that are hosted by DTV (funerals, births, illness, etc.). The Care Team is who we turn to when families need a little support with meals after a life event. You will be contacted when a need arises and you can sign up to help as your schedule allows. You will not be expected to help with every need or at every event.

Coffee Shop

DTV Coffee Shop exists to share the love of Jesus, one cup at a time. We believe that every cup of coffee we serve has the ability to change someone’s day and to share the message that God loves everyone.


The Communication Ministry strives to effectively provide information so that the DTV Family can continually grow in their relationship with God. We help make sure that you know what is going on and can get involved! Communication covers many areas: technology, social media, online platforms, services and more!

Communion Team

The mission of the Communion Team is to bring an element of worship to our church family by providing communion. We believe everyone should get to participate in this holy act and we work together with all ministries at DTV to achieve one goal: To serve and support the Body of Christ as we advance the Kingdom of God.

Creative Team

The DTV Creative Team exists to gather, encourage, train, and release creatives to use their gifts in the kingdom of God. Our desire is to foster creativity as worship through photography, videography, graphic design, and more. In everything we create, our hope is to help people grow in their love for Jesus.

DTV Kids

We believe that children are a gift from God and feel honored and privileged to work with them. Children in each age group experience safe, loving relationships with peers and teachers. We want them to learn that they are loved by an almighty God. As they grow we teach them how to pray, how they can share Jesus’s love with others and who God is. We serve ages nursery-5th grade.

Greeter Ministry

The Greeter Team is the front-line to make sure that each guest and member feels welcome. We believe life is better together! Our team makes sure that anyone who enters our doors feels like they can come as they are and that they belong.

Grounds Team

God has provided DTV with an amazing home to worship Him. Our hard working grounds team cares for and maintains our property so our church has a beautiful and safe place to worship together.

Grow Your
Marriage Ministry

The mission of the Grow Your Marriage Ministry is to help marriages grow, reconcile, and mature in the Word of God by learning through marriage-based biblical programs and applying biblical truths to become a true reflection of the relationship between Christ and the Church in the world for generations to come.

Men’s Ministry

The mission of DTV Men’s Ministry is to call men into authentic relationship with Jesus through fellowship and discipleship.

We offer:

  • Events created to build relationships and have fun. One of our favorites is our Annual Men’s Pheasant Hunt!
  • We also offer Men’s Life Groups

Student Life

Our purpose and goal is to connect middle & high school students to Jesus. We create a fun and safe space for teens to feel valued and important. At Student Life we want to create intentional time and space for students to encounter Jesus and to pour into them the truth of how much God loves them and has a plan for them and have fun doing it!


The mission of the Downtown Vineyard Security Team is to provide a safe and secure environment in and around our church as we worship Jesus Christ.
Our ministry works together with all ministries at DTV to achieve one goal: To serve and support the Body of Christ as we advance the Kingdom of God.

Tech Team

The Tech Team strives to create an engaging, comfortable, and inviting worship environment in order to help people know God more! We strive to use the latest technology and are committed to excellence in all that we do. This ministry is a team effort, made up of people of various skill and experience levels.


The Unchained Ministry works to care for those during their incarceration and their transition back into society. In Matthew 25, Jesus describes what true faith looks like when he said… “I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came and visited me. This volunteer opportunity includes working with men and women who are currently incarcerated and transitioning back into society. It requires 2-3 hours a month and can include being a pen pal or simply being a safe person to sit with in church.

Women’s Ministry

DTV Women’s Ministry exists to first and foremost glorify God. Our desire is to encourage women and to provide meaningful opportunities for community.

We offer:

  • Fun events each year that create the opportunity to connect with Jesus and connect with each other.
  • IF: Grand Valley women’s conference each spring. This is a women’s conference that will inspire you to grow, dig deeper and develop lasting relationships.
  • Women’s Life Groups to help you find your community and do life together.

Worship Team

The DTV Worship Team exists to create an atmosphere for the congregation to worship God through music. We desire to lead the congregation into deeper worship, bringing God’s people to His throne through musical excellence, creativity, and passion. Above all, we desire for God to be glorified through everything we do as a worship team.


Downtown Vineyard Church
402 Grand Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501


Sundays 9AM & 10:30AM

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

phone number


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